Sunday, August 2, 2009

Rant #4,823,567,890,000,000

So i recently made friends with a girl who i think is an absolute sweetheart. but like so many ladies i meet, she is extremely self-conscious, and convinced she's hideous and un-wanted by anyone. what upsets me is still in this day and age, even in hardcore, mainstream or any stream that the media and society work hard to make people feel like shit about themselves. The magazines and the TV screen tell you how to look, what to wear and what to like. being ugly is socially unacceptable. but honestly dude, what the fuck is the true classification of ugly. what the magazines tell us, what the media tells us. people believe so much of the crap we are fed by media news stands and celebrity magazines that we honestly have just come to mentally accept specific traits as being the defining characteristics of "ugly".

i honestly think that no one is ugly, you can make yourself a hideous person by the way you act and present yourself in this world, and you can be ugly if you go completely out your way to change yourself to fit the mold of what society views as "beautiful". I've had enough friends almost have their lives ruined because of this, and I'm sick of it.

This brings me to a friend of mine who deals with it every single day, and i wish she knew that i think the absolute world of her as a friend and a person of beauty. so what if ignorant, excuse me... close minded and insensitive people think of you. just because you don't look like the girls in the magazine does not mean you're not a stone cold fox.
those girls basically starve themselves and work out non-stop to get like that. or many of them have never been chubby a day in their lives. this is the best part of the human condition. WE CAN ALL BE UNIQUE AND BEAUTIFUL IN OUR OWN SPECIAL WAY.

appreciate who you are on the inside and on the outside. I'm done looking and desiring specific types of girls just because that's what the world tells me I'm supposed to be attracted too. Fuck you! i could say that as long as you have a great personality and heart of passion, you're the most beautiful person on earth but this takes me back a step on my point here. blur the lines. see a person for who they really are, not for personal appearance or style. life's way to damn short for that, and you could miss out on the best thing in your life if you're so judgemental and close-minded about someone you meet. LOVE EVERYONE!!!

p.s. if you're reading this, and you're one of those people who constantly cuts others down and talks shit about someone for their weight, or physical appearance. congratulations, you've proven to us just how much you truly hate yourself. news flash, making others feel like shit will never fill the pathetic, empty hole in your heart. just thought you should know. =)


  1. finally someone on the same wavelength as me in regards to physical appearances :]

  2. I concur! By the way, could you take a moment and sign my petition asking Canada's government to include animal rights into the constitution.

    Thanks a lot:)
